Ofsted Rated

100% pass rate for SATs exams 2023/2024
OPEN DAYS! 4th, 6th, 26th and 28th November 2024 from 4.30 - 6pm. Come along and have a look at what we can offer.
Choosing the right school is such a major decision for any family and we appreciate that you will need to take your time to look around and learn as much as you can about our school before making your decision. Interested parents are cordially invited to contact the school to make an appointment to view and discuss, in depth, the information outlined within the website and enquire into any other matter related to the education of their children. A visit whilst the school is in operation is preferable as it illustrates the happy, caring, family atmosphere which pervades the school. Your personal tour will provide you with the opportunity to view our outstanding facilities and meet our excellent teachers.
Selection policy – Admission is on the basis of assessment and behaviour but no pupil will be disadvantaged by the school by virtue of gender, race, religion or disability. To arrange a visit to the school please call us on 01942 671138 or use the form on our contact page.