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We have allocated times for each year group to enter and exit school to ensure each bubble stays socially distant from others. On waiting to enter school, parents must queue outside 2metres distant from each other, using the floor markings provided. Each bubble also has an allocated entry and exit point. Adults dropping off and colleting children are asked to wear face coverings. Parent’s are not allowed in school whilst Covid is ongoing. On entering school we check children’s, staff and visitor’s temperatures and they are asked to sanitise or wash their hands straight away. We also encourage regular hand washing and sanitizing throughout the school day.

We have placed hand sanitising stations and pumps at each entry and exit point around school as well as in classrooms for children and staff to use regularly.

We have ensured that at break times bubbles do not mix, they have allotted times to use the food hall and use separate play areas. Any equipment used by a bubble is cleaned after use.

Within our key stage 1 classrooms we have introduced work station shields to protect the children further whilst they complete their school work. These shields are child friendly and have each child’s name printed on for a personalised touch. Each child also has their own tray to put their things in within the classroom and they have their own pencil case with all the equipment they will need for lessons - this avoids the children sharing equipment unnecessarily.

In our key stage 2 classrooms the desks are spaced apart to allow social distancing and they also have their own allocated equipment. 

All classrooms have windows open throughout the day to allow free air ventilation. The classrooms and bathrooms are thoroughly cleaned each day along with the equipment that has been used. 

Our PE lessons are currently taking place outside to provide ventilation and space when taking part in games and exercise. The children also take their kit home to be washed after each lesson. When the weather is bad, children use the under cover canopy for their PE sessions to ensure the lessons are in an outside area.


We follow the advice given- if a child presents with symptoms such as a temperature or new continuous cough we would isolate the child in our designated sick room. From here children use a allocated bathroom until an adult arrives to collect them. Parents/ guardians must then take the
child for a covid test or isolate for 10 days. Children may return to school if their test returns a negative result. After an isolated child the sick room and designated bathroom are thoroughly cleaned.


This is the same protocol for ill members of staff.

a sing in school that says hand sanitise here
desk dividers in classroom with students names on each one
two computers in a classroom with dividers between them

100% pass rate for secondary school entrance exams 2022/2023

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