Ofsted Rated

100% pass rate for SATs exams 2023/2024
OPEN DAYS! 4th, 6th, 26th and 28th November 2024 from 4.30 - 6pm. Come along and have a look at what we can offer.
This week has been recycling week, we have all collected a lot items and today we all teamed up to create recycled artwork. We discussed sea pollution and how rubbish can injure sea creatures as well as sorting the rubbish into plastics and cardboard. We also enjoyed the story of ‘The life of a little plastic bottle’ which sees a plastic bottle get reused for many different things before finally being recycled.We talked about the importance of reducing our waste, reusing materials, and recycling through our bins at home. Then we recycled some of the empty plastic bottles to create our very own musical instruments.
World Mental Health Day
On Thursday 10th October we took part in World Mental Health Day. We wore something with the colour yellow to show our support and carried out lots of mental well-being activities. We talked about the importance of our mental health and suggested ways to help.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
On Friday we held our Macmillan Coffee Morning in support of Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you to the pupils, parents and staff for supporting this worthwhile cause
Harvest Collection
Thank you so much to our wonderful pupils and their families for their very kind donations towards our harvest collection. This year we will be donating our collection to a local charity called ‘Room at the Inn’ who helps to support homeless people
in Warrington.
The children had a blast today dressing up as their favourite Roald Dahl Characters in celebration of Roald Dahl Day 2024. Roald Dahl would have been 108 if he were still alive today!
Dogs Trust
Thank you to Bethan and Molly from Dogs Trust who came to visit us today at school. Bethan and Molly taught our pupils in Kindergarten and Reception about how dogs may be feeling during different times of the day and how we should approach them. We learnt to give dogs some space and let them have a minute when they are eating or sleeping. Our pupils also learnt what to do if they meet a dog out in public or if they accidentally get knocked over by a dog.
Leigh Leopards Foundation
Thank you so much to Leigh Leopards Foundation for taking the time to come and visit our school yesterday to carry out a mini rugby training session. Our pupils throughly enjoyed this session as they had a permanent smile on their faces from start to finish. I think it’s safe to say our pupils thought this session was ROARsome.
Alzheimer's Society
Mrs Watson and Mrs Parr along with some staff from First Steps Nursery are all ready for their trek around Snowdonia to rise money for the Alzheimer's Society. The team has smashed their original target of £2800 and have now raised nearly £4500! We are all very proud of them.
We had a fabulous morning celebrating with our fantastic family members. We enjoyed a tasty breakfast barm, after that we created some lovely badges and key rings as gifts for our family members.
Nurse Visit
Today our KS1 class had a lovely visit from Craig who works in our nursery department. Craig is a trained nurse and came to talk to us about the important job nurses do which links with our history topic ‘Nurturing Nurses’. Craig taught us how to apply a bandage, check temperatures and listen with a stethescope. He even brought us a nurses pack to take home and practise
International Bee Day
Yesterday our pupils joined in with a special assembly related to Bees. Our pupils learnt all about why bees are so important and what dangers they face in our ever changing world. They discussed how they can protect the bees in our local environment and shared some ideas about what we can do within school. At lunchtime our pupils enjoyed planting some wildflowers as well as taking part in different bee related activities.
Endangered Species Day
For Endangered species day our pupils came to school dressed as different types of endangered animals. During the day our pupils listened to the book called ‘The journey home’ by Fran Preston-Gannon. They also carried out research relating to their chosen animal and creating art work for our endangered animal display. We were able to sponsor a Giant Panda for the WWF from our children kindly donating some money to wear their costumes.
In Early Years we have been celebrating National Smile Day. The children have had great fun using toothbrushes to scrub off the ‘plaque’ on our model teeth and exploring the dentist tools. The children have enjoyed looking at books all about keeping teeth healthy. They also taught our puppets how to brush their teeth, and the importance of using toothpaste and a toothbrush to keep them clean and healthy
RHS Campaign for School Gardening
It maybe raining today but receiving our level 2 gardening award from RHS Campaign for School Gardening has certainly brightened our day. Our pupils are really enjoying working through the different levels and learning new skills along the way.
RHS Campaign for School Gardening
Our pupils had the pleasure to spend time with some of the primary school leavers from First Steps Nursery Lowton where they joined in with our RHS Campaign for School Gardening big garden seed sow.
Our pupils showed a caring nature as they helped the pre school children to decorate their recycled yoghurt pots and plastic bottles before they filled them with compost and different seeds to take home.
Earth Day
In Early Years the children learnt about ‘Earth day’. We discussed why it’s important to look after our planet, how we can help to keep our planet safe and healthy. The children enjoyed using different tools such as paint brushes, scissors and glue spreaders to create their own wonderful planet Earth. ​
RHS Campaign for School Gardening.
We are so proud to receive our first gardening certificate as we've achieved Level 1 of the RHS Campaign for School Gardening. As a school we: Understand the benefits of gardening. Have daily access to growing areas. Have started our gardening and planted many seeds.
Red Noise Day
Today our pupils came to school dressed in red or wearing Red Nose Day items to helps raise money for Comic Relief.
During the day our pupils have taken part in a Red Nose day assembly,different red themed activities such as exploring the colour red and creating their own funny faces to take home.
British Science Week
For British Science Week early years have been exploring everyday objects that ‘Sink’ or ‘Float’. While Prep 5 have been investigating the relationship between mass and weight
British Science Week
For British Science Week the early years have been exploring and finding out how bubbles are made.As well as looking for and creating rainbows using different science experiments. They also discussed about their bodies and what they can do to help keep themselves fit and healthy. ​
Mothers Day
Thank you to everyone who came this afternoon to our Mother's day afternoon tea. Our pupils have been working very hard over the past week learning our songs and creating their wonderful Mother's crafts. We hope you all had a lovely afternoon and have lovely day on sunday too. Here are some of our pupils with their mother's.
World Book Day 2024
Our pupils in Early Years enjoyed exploring some book related tuff tray activities yesterday for World Book Day. The children went on a range of different adventures as they enjoyed using the natural resources to explore and extended their imagination and vocabulary skills.
Where would your imagination take you?
The possibilities are unlimited!
World Book Day 2024
Our pupils looked absolutely amazing today in their World book day costumes. What a fun day to celebrate books and find the love for reading. This afternoon our pupils enjoyed joining in with a book related scavenger hunt as they explored the different books in our library. Here are some of our pupils in their amazing costumes.
World Book Day Swap
Thank you to all the children and their parents who have donated books to our school book swap.
This morning at break time all our pupils enjoyed exploring the books and selecting one to take home.
Reading for pleasure is very important for children as it helps build their language skills, learn about the world and develop empathy and emotional awareness.
We hope our pupils enjoy reading their new books that they've selected and given our donated books a new home.
Teachers Appreciation Day
Teachers, You're the heart of every classroom, The soul of every school, That mind behind the message, That learning is cool. Your patience and understanding, Cannot be undersold. Your courage and commitment, Is a reason to rejoice. Because of you our children, Will have their own voice.
So Thank You dear teacher, For passing knowledge through the years. You thought you were merely teaching, When you were eliminating fears. THANK YOU
Valentine's Day
What a jammed packet day full of Valentine’s Day themed activities in our Early Years, to support the 7 areas of learning and to extend their curiosity and problem solving skills.
They have truly used their imagination today as they’ve used a range of objects and materials to created potions and ‘yummy’ playdough treats.
observed and been inquisitive as they’ve watched items ‘sink’ or ‘float’.
Come across a range of number and shapes problems which took some teamwork to solve.
Developed their fine motor and gross motor skills. Took the time to look at real world items and observe what they look like, and most importantly had fun and expressed themselves
Pancakes Day
Enjoying pancakes, what's on yours?
Children's Mental Health and Lunar New Year
Learning a new skill for Children's Mental Health Week and celebrating the Lunar New Year at the same time! Well done for your skilful use of chopsticks children!
Children Mental Health Week
For ‘Children’s Mental Health week’ the children discussed the topics, My voice matters. What is mental health? What we can do to have good mental health? How we can support others, and who we like to talk to about our feelings. Sharing how we feel will have a positive impact when it comes to supporting our mental well-being and it helps us to understand how each of us are feeling about different situations in our daily lives. Let’s make sure we make time to talk
to others
National Story Telling Week
This week for national story telling week our pupils in Early Years have been creating their own props linked to our topic ‘Space’ to use to create their own space adventure stories. The children have enjoyed spending time in our book corner looking at a range of ‘fiction’ and ‘non fiction’ books to support their stories. We have to say, what amazing adventures they’ve been on. We’ve had aliens coming for tea, space ships landing on the beach as well as lots of astronaut adventures. It’s been really nice to listen to the children’s stories as they’ve used their imagination to create a new world and listening to where their imagination took them. Fantastic work and amazing stories
RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch
Prep 5 have been inspired by The Big Garden Bird watch in Art. They have produced some very detailed artwork on the theme of British garden birds. They observed and sketched birds and their feathers, afterwards they created block prints, finally they used clay to recreate the different textures of bird feathers. They are fantastic artists.
RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch
( Bird Feeders )
Today our school assembly was focused on the RSPB Big garden bird watch. We discussed what birds we might see in our local environment, what birds like to eat, the different sounds that birds can make and why it’s important for this event to take place. During our assembly our pupils were able to make the link to global warming and how we need to protect their habitats.
To invite birds into our gardens both at school and at home our pupils worked in small groups to create some bird feeders.
RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch
Who else is getting ready for the RSPB Big garden bird watch this weekend?
Our pupils in Early years have been making their own binoculars to use this weekend as they go looking for birds in their gardens
or local environment. I wonder what they
will see?
Positive About Down Syndrome
We are looking forward to joining First Steps Nursery Lowton as we take part in the Sunflower Challenge in March associated with Positive About Down Syndrome where each of our pupils will be able to plant their own tiny sunflower seed and watch them grow into a beautiful strong sunflower. We are looking forward to the learning opportunities that come with this and observing how tall these will grow.
National Handwriting Day
Yesterday we celebrated National Handwriting Day with Kindergarten practising their fine motor skills, finding letters in the sand and strengthening their hands ready for using pens and pencils! While Prep 5 have been trying their 'hand' at calligraphy and Prep 1/2 had a go at writing their own acrostic poems and decorating their letters at the start of each line.
Spaceship Earth Day
Key stage 2 took part in Spaceship Earth today, hosted by UK Space. We joined Luna the space
dog to journey into space, where we investigated the different satellites orbiting earth and the
jobs they do.
As part of the advent season our pupils have had fun making Christingles. They showed high levels of curiosity as we talked what each part of the Christingle represents. The orange represents the world , the red ribbon represents the love , the candle represents the light , and the sweets represent the 4 seasons . They were very proud of their accomplishments. We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Children In Need
Congratulations to Mrs Parr and Mrs Seddon's class who have won the Christmas door competition 2023. Thank you to everyone who took the time to like, share and comment.
Merry Christmas
Road Safety Week
This week our pupils have been learning all about road safety and how to keep themselves safe when out in the community. We have discussed the important of Stop, Look and Listen. Check before it’s safe to cross steps.
All of our pupils have expressed a great understanding of what they can do to stay safe and have created information posters with advice for others too.
Children In Need
Congratulations our pupils and the children at First Steps Nursery Lowton who raised £140.75 on Friday by coming to school and nursery wearing their pyjamas. This is such a fun task which can have a big impact on raising money for charity. Well done to you all.
Operation Christmas child
Thank you once again to our pupils and their families who have brought in these shoe boxes for the Operation Christmas Child appeal. These small acts of kindness will have a big impact on those in our community and even further a field, so once again a big THANK YOU.
Anti-Bullying Week
To start off Anti-Bullying week in school our pupils have taken part in odd socks day where they've had the opportunity to wear some spectacular, unique socks.
At Green Meadow Independent Primary School we always encourage our pupils to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes them unique. Today we've continued to highlighted this and embraced their individual characters.
Remembrance Day
Throughout the week our pupils have been joining in with different tasks relating to Remembrance day. Today our pupils showed a high level of respect and maturity as they held a minutes silence to remember all those that gave their today so we can have our tomorrow. Here are a selection of our pupils wonderful work of remembrance.
Warm Up Wigan
Thank you to all of our pupils and their families who have kindly donated items for the 'Warm up Wigan' campaign associated with The Brick.
Recycling Week
Last week we explored recycling within school as part of National Recycling week. Our pupils worked within their house groups to sort out all the different recycling items that was brought in from home and why it is important that we recycle.They then worked well in their house groups to plan, design and create a team model using the items from home.
World Mental Health Day
Today for World Mental Health Day we spent a small session in the school hall together. We discussed why mental health is important and what we can do to ensure we have positive experiences to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We all enjoyed spending time together reading, colouring, building and joining in with casual conversations with each other. Mental health is a universal right and we all deserve the right to good mental health.
Harvest Collection
A massive thank you to all of our wonderful pupils and their families who have donated to our harvest collection, which will be donated to our local food bank.
Harvest is a time for sharing and being thankful which is a key message that is shared throughout our school.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Thank you so much to our wonderful parents and those at First Steps Nursery, Lowton who came along today to support our coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support. Every cake sold, every cup of coffee/tea drank you've helped us raise an amazing £200.50 so far. So, whether you stayed for a cake and a drink, sent money into school or grabbed a coffee to go, thank you.
International Day of Democracy
In conjunction with International Day of Democracy, we held very importance elections for the role of School Buddy. Many of our Key Stage 2 children wrote and gave wonderful speeches describing why they would make the best School Buddies. Then it was down to the ballot box…
Roald Dahl Day
Today our pupils have had fun dressing up as characters from a variety of books written by Roald Dahl. The children across the school joined in with different lessons to learn all about the author and some of the wonderful books he wrote.
Blackpool Zoo
This week we had a roar some school trip to Blackpool Zoo.
We watched as the penguins slid.
We gasped as the crocodiles hid.
We laughed as the monkeys swung.
And listened as the parrots sung.
What a day full of animal magic!
Sports Day 2023
Last week our pupils took part in our annual school sports day. All our pupils took part in several events where they earned stickers and points for the house groups.
Drowning Prevention Week
As part of Drowning Prevention Week, we have been learning about what to do if ourselves or someone else gets into trouble in the water. At swimming we then practiced a range of rescue techniques.
Happy Fathers Day
This week we have celebrated our families with a lovely craft and croissant morning. We hope you all have a lovely weekend sharing Sunday with your families too.
World Bee Day
This week throughout school our pupils have been taking part in different bee related activities. These include creating habitats, bee related pebbles and their own bee play-dough figures. While during their break times our pupils decorated their own seed packets which they then filled with seeds to take home to create their own flowered areas. As well as these hands on activities our pupils have been learning about bees and why we need to work together to protect them and create safe habitats for them.
King Charles III Coronation
To start King Charles lll coronation week our pupils in Reception and Kindergarten have been learning all about who King Charles lll is and his role within our country. Our pupils then enjoyed using the oil pastels to draw a portrait of King Charles lll. Our pupils also wrote King Charles lll some questions which we’ve turned into a card using the children’s portraits. We then had a little walk to the postbox to post our card to Buckingham palace.
Big Seed Sow
We’re very grateful that the sun was shining today as we kick off our Big Seed Sow with a trip over to our local residential home. Using recycled milk cartons, yogurt pots and plant pots the children and residents enjoyed decorating them as well as planting a range of different seeds. Thank you RHS Campaign for School Gardening for providing some of our seeds. I wonder what will grow ?
RHS Campaign for School Gardening
It’s not long now until the RHS Campaign for School Gardening Big Seed Sow! Some of our pupils have started planting some vegetables and flower seeds using some recycled plant and yogurt pots. We’ve already started to see some change as some of our seeds are starting to grow.
British Science Week
In Prep 3 & 4 for British Science Week we learned about sustainable and non-sustainable electricity sources. While the early years have enjoyed observing the school caterpillars, talking about the different stages of their life cycle.
British Science Week
As part of British Science Week the children have taken part in a floating and sinking experiment. The children predicted what would happen to these certain objects and enjoyed dropping them into the water to find out. They then carried out a cutting and gluing activity to record their results.
Science Week
Today we’ve carried out a germ experiment to start off science week. We discussed how washing our hands is very important to keep us healthy. Pretending the glitter was germs the children were able to see how without using soap the germs ‘glitter’ stuck to our hands more. The children were then set the challenge to cover their hands in germs ‘glitter’ and then using soap and water, wash them nice and clean
Staff Appreciation Day
Today we have treated our staff to a wonderful afternoon tea to celebrate Staff Appreciation Day. We are very grateful to our wonderful dedicated team and wanted to show our appreciation for all their hard work and dedication they show.
World Book Day 2023
Today we’ve had a lot of fun celebrating world book day. During the day our pupils have taken part in different book themed activities including a live lesson delivered by the BBC. All of our pupils looked fantastic today in their different costumes and here are just some of our pupils showing off their chosen characters.
What characters can you see?
World Book Day Activities 2023
As part of our world book day activities the children have enjoyed listening to the story ‘Supertato’. They enjoyed using their imagination to explore the different resources to create their very own supertato or super fruits to take home.
Children's Mental health Week
In PE our Early Years have taken part in a mindfulness yoga sessions. The children discussed the different emotions they can feel at different parts of their lives and how these ‘happy’ and ‘bad’ feelings are normal. The children showed a very good understanding about what they would do to help somebody turn their ‘bad’ feeling into a ‘good’ feeling.
National Storytelling Week
This week we’ve been on many magical adventures through our different stories. Our pupils have listened to, as well as joined in with many traditional tales told to them by their teacher. We’ve explored the different books in our school library and created our very own space adventures which we’ve shared with parents.
Internet Safety Day
Our pupils in our Early Years enjoyed spending some time in our Prep 1 class using their laptops. Our pupils learnt to
always ask a grown up before using the internet on any device, let grown ups know what website they are using and tell a grown up if a pop up comes up whilst using the internet. Never talk to anyone on the internet as they are strangers and we wouldn’t talk to strangers in person. Don’t tell anyone your name, address or any other personal information.
RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch
Leading up to this weekends RSPB Big Garden bird watch our pupils have taken part in a range of different activities including observing and spotting birds in our local environment as well as creating some amazing bird watch art.
Roald Dahl Day 2022
All our pupils had fun dressing up as characters from a variety of books written by Roald Dahl. Our pupils across the school joined in with different lessons to learn all about the author and some of the wonderful books he wrote. Here are some of our pupils in their fabulous costumes.
Recycling Week
The children enjoyed taking part in recycling week where they joined in on a range of activities from sorting out products into their correct recycling categories, to talking about the different types of materials which can be recycled from our homes. The children discussed the importance of recycling and the effects it has on the planet.
Macmillian Coffee Morning
This year we held a cake and hot drinksstation to raise money for Macmillan cancer support. With the help of our pupils and parents we managed to raise £227.26 to donate charity.
Local Farm ( Harvest Festival )
Our pupils in EYFS and KS1 enjoyed exploring the farm and looking at the different fruits and vegetables that are grown locally. We discussed harvest time as we walked around the farm. The children were able to spot Blackberry bushes, Raspberry bushes, Strawberry plants, Pumpkins, Sunflowers. And a field we think contained potatoes. We discussed how these different fruit and vegetables grow (underground and above ground). The children then enjoyed exploring the pumpkin field looking at how they grow and then they selected their own pumpkin to take home.
Harvest Festival
Throughout the week we’ve been discussing harvest time with our pupils and they have taken part in many different activities, including a visit to our local farm. During the week we held a harvest collection, where all of our wonderful pupils and their families kindly donated many items. We then donated these to our local to our local food bank.
Roald Dahl Day 2021
On Monday 13th September the children and teachers celebrated Roald Dahl’s birthday. Everyone had a fun day joining in with themed activities and dressing up has their favourite Roald Dahl characters.
Recycling Week
The children enjoyed taking part in recycling week where they joined in with a range of different activities from making junk model monsters to sorting out products into the correct recycling categories. The children discussed the importance of recycling and the effects on the planet.
Macmillian cake sale
On Friday 24th September 2021 we held a cake sale to help raise money for Macmillan charity. Selling cakes we managed to raise £158.50.
Mini Marathon
The children took part in the Virgin London mini marathon, completing 2.6miles around the school filed raising £1,359.00 for Alzheimer's Research.
Our School buddies
Two children were chosen from key Stage 1 and 2 from Key Stage 2 to be the school buddies for their bubbles. The school buddy is a peer that the children can go to for help if they are unsure or unhappy.
Anti Bullying Week
To show are support for anti bullying week we came to school wearing odd socks and took part in different activities about how to be a good person and a kind friend.
Children in Need
To help raise money for Children in Need the children and teachers came to school in
their pyjamas and joined in with a range of different activities for a donation of £1 each.
Remembrance Day
On the 11th day of the 11th month the children created a range of poppy crafts commemorating those that had lost their lives serving in the armed forces since World War 1.
Operation Christmas Child shoebox appeal
Thank you to or local representative for coming into school to talk to the children about the Christmas shoe box appeal. The children joined in with an assembly to discuss where the shoeboxes are sent to each year and the difference it makes to the children’s lives. This year we managed to receive donations of shoeboxes which were sent to Moldavia.
Roald Dahl Day 2019
On Friday13th September the children and teachers celebrated Roald Dahl’s birthday. Everyone had a fun day joining in with themed activities and dressing up has their favourite Roald Dahl characters.
Harvest collection
This year for Harvest we collected a range of tinned and packed food to create a hamper to take to the residents at Elmridge Court. The children took this over and spent some time with the residents carrying out some art & craft activities related to harvest.
Horrible histories at Manchester Opera house
Linking with their topic ‘Egyptians’ our Prep 5 & 6 went to the Manchester Opera House to watch the show Awful Egyptians. This was a fun way for the children to learn about the Egyptians.
Recycling Week
The children enjoyed taking part in recycling week where the brought in school a range of different materials to sort out into different categories. The children worked in their house groups to design a model out of the materials they brought in.
Macmillian cake sale
On Friday 27th September 2019 we held a cake sale to help raise money for Macmillan charity. Selling cakes we managed to raise £155.50.
Dr Fleming (Dentist)
To link with Prep 3 & 4 science topic ‘healthy bodies’ we had a visitor come into school to talk to the children about dental hygiene and how we can look after our teeth and eating a healthy diet.
Library door competition
We held a design our Library door competition where the children where able create an image we could mirror to make our library fun.
Here is our winner…
Voting our School council
Our Children in upper Key Stage 2 put themselves forward to be part of our school council. Each candidate delivered a speech as to why the school should vote for them. The children within school then voted for whom they would like to see as part of the school council.
Miss Hutchinson visit from CPPE centre
Miss Hutchinson from CPPE came into school and carried out two workshops with our children. They all enjoyed joining in with the presentation on antimicrobial resistance as well as carrying out several experiments to demonstrate why it’s very important to wash our hands. It was a very interesting day!
Maths Week
To celebrate national maths week, we held different maths activities throughout the week. We covered shapes, symmetry, measuring, halving & doubling. We finished the week off by celebrating TT Rock Stars.
Christmas crafts at Elmridge Court
At Christmas time the children went to visit the residents at Elmridge Court. The children took over mince pies and crated Christmas calendars with the men and women for them to keep.